State vs. Federal Estate Planning Laws: What You Should Know in California

Navigating the intricacies of estate planning can be complex, especially when considering the interplay between state and federal laws. In California, understanding these differences is crucial for effective estate planning. Here’s what you should know about how state and federal estate laws operate within California so that you can make informed decisions for your future.

Understanding Federal Estate Planning Laws

Federal estate planning regulations are primarily concerned with the taxation of an individual’s assets after death. Understanding these laws is essential for effective planning. The most important regulations include:

  • Federal Estate Tax: This tax applies to the transfer of property at death. As of 2024, the federal estate tax exemption is $13.61 million for individuals and $27.22 million for couples, meaning estates valued below this amount are not subject to federal taxes. However, for estates valued above that amount, the tax rate is set at 40% of the excess value, which can substantially impact high-net-worth parties.
  • Federal Gift Tax: The gift tax applies to transfers made while living. There’s an annual exclusion amount set at $18,000 per recipient in 2024. Amounts above this, however, count toward a “lifetime exemption” that aligns with the federal estate tax exemption. In other words, if you give someone $38,000 in 2024, $20,000 of that would count against your exemption. As an individual, that would reduce your total exemption from $13.61 million to $13.59 million. It may seem small, but these big gifts add up over time.  
  • Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax (GSTT): This applies to transfers to a beneficiary two or more generations below the donor, like grandchildren. It’s designed to prevent the avoidance of taxes through multi-generational transfers. The GSTT has the same exemption limit as the estate tax and uses a similar rate structure.

These rules apply to everyone nationwide, regardless of where they live. However, every state has additional laws that can interact with federal regulations. 

California State Inheritance Laws

Unlike federal laws, which are primarily focused on taxation, California’s laws address the ownership and distribution of a person’s assets after their death. Here are some key components of California’s inheritance laws:

  • No State Estate or Inheritance Tax: One of the most significant aspects of California estate law is that it does not impose a state-level inheritance tax. This is in contrast to some other states that levy extra taxes on estates or inheritances.
  • Community Property Laws: California is a community property state, which means that any assets acquired during marriage are generally considered jointly owned by both spouses. This has significant implications for estate planning, as it affects how property is characterized and divided upon death or divorce, particularly for high-net-worth individuals or those with complex asset structures.
  • Probate Process: The probate process in California can be lengthy, expensive, and public, which is why many people choose to create plans that avoid probate, such as through the use of trusts. 

The Interaction of State and Federal Laws for Estates

Considering both state and federal laws is crucial when planning your estate in California due to the distinct but overlapping jurisdictions of these laws. Here’s how to integrate both into your plans:

  • Use Trusts: Utilizing trusts can provide advantages under both sets of laws, such as avoiding probate or minimizing tax liabilities. You might use a revocable living trust to avoid the often lengthy and expensive probate process in California or consider an irrevocable trust to cut down on taxes both now and later for your beneficiaries.
  • Lifetime Gifts: Make use of the annual gift tax exclusion to reduce the size of your taxable assets over time without impacting your lifetime federal exemption. 
  • Asset Protection: Utilize California’s homestead exemption for asset protection, particularly in relation to bankruptcy proceedings. In combination with careful property ownership planning, you can protect your home and pass it on to the next generation without taking a tax hit. 

Skilled Assistance With California Estate Planning Problems

Estate plans in California requires a careful balance between state and federal laws. It’s advisable to consult with an estate planning attorney to understand these complexities and craft a plan that best suits your needs and goals. Schedule your consultation with The Dayton Law Firm, P.C., to discuss your concerns and learn how we can help you. Remember, a well-thought-out plan is not just about taxes; it’s about ensuring that your wishes are honored, and your loved ones are taken care of in the way you intend.
